
The Company was incorporated in the State of West Bengal, India on 27th March, 1889 as a public limited company under the relevant provisions of the Companies Act for the time being in force. Its main objects per Memorandum & Articles of Association are, amongst other things, to grow, cultivate, manufacture, treat, blend, process, buy, sell and deal in tea in various forms, to carry on the business as planters.

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I Will Make Tea


"Herbal tea may soothe the digestive system"





Their Health Benefits!

It strengthens our immune system and helps fight against tooth decay and different viruses and also lowers blood pressure.

Huldibari CTC

Baghmari CTC

Baghmari Orthodox

Baghmari Gold CTC

Best Services Ever

Tea may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke

Since 1889


To become the leader in creating and selling high quality speciality teas. Striving towards creating a strong relationship with satisfied consumers.

“There’s a lot of literature out there on tea and heart health. “This is a health effect for which there is the strongest evidence.” In fact, a study published earlier this year that combined data from a host of earlier reports found a nearly 20 percent reduction in the risk of heart attack and a 35 percent reduced risk of stroke among those who drank one to three cups of green tea a day. Those who drank four or more cups of green tea daily had a 32 percent reduction in the risk of having a heart attack and lower levels


Tasty Desserts

"Tea — unadulterated, that is — is calorie free"


